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how to screenshot on mac


To take a screenshot of the full overview of your Mac screen, you can follow these steps:

  1. Press the Command + Shift + 3 keys on your keyboard simultaneously. This will take a screenshot of the full screen.

  2. You will hear a camera shutter sound, and the screenshot will be saved to your desktop with the name "Screen Shot [date] at [time].png."

  3. Alternatively, you can also use the Preview app to take a screenshot of the full screen. Open the Preview app and click on "File" in the menu bar. Then, click on "Take Screen Shot" and select "From Entire Screen."

  4. A crosshair cursor will appear, click and drag it to select the entire screen you want to capture. Release the mouse button to take the screenshot.

  5. The screenshot will appear as a new image in Preview. You can then edit, save or share the screenshot as desired.

Note: In some Mac models, the screenshot might be saved in the clipboard, and you can paste it into another application, such as Preview, to save or edit it.

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